Tim Wiencek performs "The Only Truth"  off upcoming album.


Tim Wiencek performs "The Only Truth" off upcoming album.

Tim Wiencek performs the title track "The Only Truth" live in a Nashville basement, off his upcoming new album. Special thanks to Jason White and Amaia Agirre for lending their talents. The full length album will be available for streaming and purchase in the next few months. Check out http://timmusic.net for more music and info.


Covering the King


Covering the King

I can't begin to explain how much this man has meant to me since birth, and this was a song that always stuck with me and resonates more and more with each passing day. I feel honored to sing every word.


Wiencek & Williams


Wiencek & Williams

Words can't describe the admiration and respect I feel for Hank Williams. His music is so concentrated, and to the point, yet still ambiguous,complicated, and even a little ghostly. I covered this song of his about a lost love, something we can all relate to. Thanks Hank.


My Favorite Paul Simon Tune


My Favorite Paul Simon Tune

I remember first hearing this song in Coneheads. I loved it then and I love it now. I was thrilled to record it. disclaimer: This was recorded a few years ago and very lo-fi. Enjoy

p.s. feel free to download if you'd like.


Homage to the Muppets!


Homage to the Muppets!

When my sister first asked me to learn a Muppets song for her wedding, I thought, umm...ok. I then proceeded to watch the youtube video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0P5FzSe3qw ) and learn it note for note. In the end I really enjoyed playing it, and I hope you enjoy listening to it, thanks.


Jazzy Danzig Anyone?


Jazzy Danzig Anyone?

Smooth, easy listening, light & folksy, even a little jazzy. When one thinks of the Artist Danzig, do these words come to mind?….Probably not. That’s why I decided to reinterpret his song “Mother” as exactly that.

Take a listen, hope you enjoy (p.s. please don’t tell Danzig, I know I’ll here from his Lawyers)


A Little Everly Brothers


A Little Everly Brothers

Just wanted to let everyone know I'm working on a new video and a new record, but in the meantime let me share a little Everly Brothers tune with you I recorded a while back, it's a little rough but the love is there. Thanks guys


A Few Nerdy Impressions


A Few Nerdy Impressions

So this weekend we’ll be putting drums and bass to around 18 or so new tracks, for upcoming new album. Until then I wanted to leave you with something not so musical but really nerdy I enjoy doing, really bad and stupid impressions. Let me know what you think, or if you have any impression requests!

Cheat Sheet: in order of appearance: Sagan, Obama, Pawn Stars, Shatner, Rogan, Raz


A new home for my music, take a look/listen...


A new home for my music, take a look/listen...

Hey guys, So I've finally finished designing a site for my music/videos/news to live from this point on. Please take a look around. You'll find lots of music, including all of my last two records and I'll soon start posting sneak peaks of my new record "The Only Truth." Thanks and I hope you guys enjoy the tunes.
